Ill get to writing that as soon as I can figure out and relearn HTML code. I haven't written it probably 10 years. The site I use, which is Blogger, redirects to the main website, its pretty easy for even the biggest morons to figure out. They integrate together. Took me about 20 minutes to set it up and upload the backgrounds and other images for the main site splash, but I realize that you can only go about 5 deep in my past posts. If you want to see anything past that, it wont load. Usually Im drinking when I even think about doing anything for this site. That includes reading E-mails, or checking page views.
So here I am. I am giving myself 2 hours to write an archive page, and hopefully it works, or else youll have to click the post, get to my blogger site, then click more. It should be easier, and Ill figure it out while i drink these Colt 45's. I underestimate myself and probably shouldn't be doing what I do for a living.
I like doing websites. Hopefully I don't suck at it. Time to knock off the rust.
So I get out of a hardly hard days work and roll my co-worker to his place. He works right next to the place I buy my beer at. They are closed.
So much rage dude. I was looking forward to doing French beer and feeding the medium amount of viewers I have In France, but im sorry. I tried a place a mile or so down the road.
"Hey man, I know Its strange, but do you have any beer from France?"
There was much laughing.
Is that so hard to ask? French beer? Maybe it is. Ive never been anywhere else and ask for that kind of booze. I guess its like asking for a virus. No need to act like a jerk-off about it man. Its a yes or no question.
Worst part is, hes like,
"Have you had Bass?"
Im not an elitist. OK.
Im also not a dickface.
If there is a difference between Budwiser and Labatts, Theres a BIG difference between Bass and anything French. (freedom fries)
I have no idea what French beer tastes like. Cant be that bad. Or good.
I got you next week.
I got back from Florida this past week. It was warm and awesome.
Awesome is great weather, but awesome is not the skin peeling off my back.
Whenever i take my shirt off, it looks like its snowing.
I used to sit next to a kid who used to rub his head and make it snow during lunch.
It was on his food.
One day, he brought a pipe bomb into school and tried to kill us all.
He failed.
As for this weeks post, I got drunk videos for you.
Ever feel like the whole bar is against you? Maybe you have had a few too many and you think the bouncer is being an asshole?
This guy is on your side.
Yeah. Ive been there man. Im having fun. Some douch is saying your being an asshole and the bouncer does not ask questions. Hes just right in your face, and your out.
Well in this this video........hes out.
Fuck bouncers. Bouncers are douchbags.
"Hey man.....Im going to stand by the door like a big tool bag. If you want to have fun, come through me!"
All bouncers beat their significant others. Its scientific fact.
Its all fun and games til he goes home and beats his wife.
Bouncers are cool when your out smoking or something else and some dudes hitting on your wife. If you didnt see that coming, maybe the bouncer should hit you.
Bouncers are dumb. Thats just a statement. Look at them. They aren't in school for for a reason.
This is awesome because this guy is drunk as fuck. Its also not awesome because being drunk behind the wheel is stupid. This is alot like playing Mario Kart while your controller is broke. Its not like Mario Kart because its real life and crashing doesn't result in a respawn. Must have hit a turtle.
25 MPH is a lame speed to crash at.
Being drunk at your favorite teams place is awesome.
Ive done it too many times to count, and Ive also fallen down rows of people and gotten kicked out. Its hilarious.
This guy, he dances like a drunk bastard, and then,. when the cops come.......hes cool.
FAKER. Hes not a real fan. Hes also not a beer drinker.
He liked KOOL-AID and his cat has 3 legs and cant run away.
First off......I saw this next video and closed it out. I didnt think it needed a second look. I actually started searching for another video. Then I went back. My head told me to go back.
This video wins.
This guy is not drunk. Hes awesome. And im a fool.
Your a fool too. You thought he was going to fall and get kicked by other drunk people.
That might have been my wish.
And the winner is........
Wait til the end.
How happy is the butler with the tray of drinks?
Whos a butler anymore?
Unless your name is alfred.
Ok. Im done, and also mad.
Im sorry no review again,. but ill get the french beer and hook you up next week